◆ 采用三缸結構,折彎效果更佳。
◆ 有機動滑塊行程調節機構和機動后擋料調節機構,帶手動微調器,并有計數器顯示數值。
◆ 在上模上方裝有斜楔夾緊機構,以保證工件加工精度。
The hydraulic press brade (wc67Y) is equiped with three cylinders to ensure the better bending effect compared with other peer products.
It employs power adjusting devices for the ram stroke and a back gauge with a manual fine adjustment mechanism,besides it has a counter displaying the numger.
What’s more the machine also own an adjusting device of upper tool wedge clamping on the top of upper tool to ensure the precise of bending.